To fit nicely in the space they had available at the bottom of their garden, our customer opted for a Garden Room measuring 3.6 x 5.4m. Our Garden Rooms are available in a range of sizes with the smallest being 3.0 x 3.0m and the largest 5.4 x 6.0m, meaning we can create them to suit whatever space you have available in your garden. There are four sets of windows in this Garden Room, as well as in the double doors, to give a light and airy feel inside. The windows are made using 4mm double glazed toughened safety glass and they have also been fitted with Georgian bars to give a more traditional look to the building. This Garden Room has a hipped roof covered in Cedar Shingles and shiplap cladding painted in the green-toned shade of Lizard from our exterior paint system.
Mr A – London – May 2021
As mentioned above, our Garden Rooms come with fully lined and insulated to ensure they are suitable for year-round use and that they are comfortable inside whatever the weather may be outside. This particular Garden Room has Ivory painted matchboard on the walls which is nicely contrasted by the Dark Oak engineered floorboards that have been laid on the floor.
If you are looking for your own year-round use garden building, please get in touch with us. Our friendly advisors at the end of the phone and at our show centres are more than happy to share their knowledge about our garden buildings with you and assist you with any queries you may have. Our show centre locations are listed below if you would like to pop by and see us, or alternatively, you can give us a call on 01760 444229.