Our Superior Sheds can be made in a wide range of sizes so they can be made to be very small or very big, depending on what you require. You can choose whether you would like an apex or pent design, and the placement of the doors and windows so you can ensure the design of your new shed works well with its intended use. Our customer has opted for a Superior Shed measuring 1.8 x 2.4m. It has an apex roof design, with a single door and window in the side, and an additional single window in the gable. The single door of this wooden shed is framed, ledged, and braced for extra strength and the windows are made using 4mm toughened safety glass.
Mr A - Enfield
As our Superior Shed range is fully customisable, you have a choice over the style of windows, roof covering, cladding type, and whether you want to have a painted shed. Our customer has opted for Georgian-style windows and grey slate effect roof tiles. They have chosen to have their small garden shed clad with shiplap, which offers a smooth finish, and painted in our Exterior Paint System in the colour Ash.
From storage sheds to workshop buildings, whatever type of wooden shed you are looking for, we have plenty of choices in our garden shed collection. We have our fully customisable Superior Sheds, simple yet high-quality Classic Sheds, and traditionally styled National Trust Sheds, as well as some of our summerhouses and studios that can be used as an alternative from a traditional garden shed design. After viewing some examples of what we have to offer online, you can head to one of our UK show centres where we have a wide variety of models on display to offer inspiration for your own garden shed. For more information about any of our buildings, please give Crane HQ a call on