This quaint 5 x 7ft garden shed was hand-built for one of our customers who wanted a space where they could work on DIY projects. They chose one of our Superior Shed as they wanted a shed that could be designed with their specific size requirements in mind. Once the customer had selected what features they wanted on their building, it was designed by our CAD engineers and hand-crafted at our factory in Narford, Norfolk before being delivered and assembled by members of our installations team.
With our Superior Shed range, you are able to choose what style of roof you would like, as well as the placement of your doors and windows. This customer chose an apex roofed design lined with black guttering, with a single door with a window in the front gable and two opening windows in the side. The roof is covered in cedar shingle tiles that are designed to naturally weather to a silver/grey colour over time while the windows are Georgian in style to give a more traditional look to the building.
As with all of our garden buildings, it has been made with FSCĀ® certified timber machined from Scandinavian Redwoods and it has our standard shiplap cladding option, which gives the building a smooth finish. To decorate the exterior, it has been painted in two contrasting colours from our paint system, with Cream on the door and window frames and Sundrenched Blue everywhere else.
Mr A - Enfield
Internally, the building has a height of 2.0m to ensure the building meets with local planning regulations and it also has one of our oak-faced plywood workbenches installed so that our customer can comfortably work inside. To add extra protection to their belongings inside, our customer has also added on a security pack to their building which compromises of stainless steel bars mortised into the window frames, a seven lever lock with heavy-duty sliding bolt, and non-returnable security screws in the door hinges that are impossible to unscrew.
If you would like to find out more about how we can tailor-make a Superior Shed to your needs, we warmly invite you to visit one of our UK show sites. You can get in touch with us on