Our Superior Sheds can be made in a wide range of sizes, so you can have a shed that is very large or very small, depending on your needs. You can also choose whether you would like an apex or pent roof, and the placement of your doors and windows to ensure the design of your new shed meets your requirements. Our customer opted for a 2.0 x 4.8m Superior Shed that has a pent roof design. This pent roof shed has a single door and two double fixed window sets in the side, and an additional single door in the gable end.
Mr G - West Sussex - July 2020
The roof of this pent shed is covered in heavy duty felt, which is an extreme wear, non-rip material that we apply with a propane torch to increase its longevity. Our customer has opted for shiplap cladding, which will give their shed a smooth finish. All of our garden shed cladding is machined from Scandinavian Redwood that is grown in Northern Sweden, close to the Arctic Circle. Our Superior Sheds come treated with a light oak preservative as standard, but you can upgrade to a Sikkens wood stain, or a painted finish using our Exterior Paint System or Farrow & Ball. Our customer wanted their garden shed delivered and installed with a painted finish so they opted for the colour Slate from our Exterior Paint System.
Whether you are looking for a storage solution like this customer, a workshop space, or a hobby room, our high quality Superior Sheds are ideal. They are fully customisable with a wide range of sizes, paint systems, cladding options, window types, and roof coverings to choose from. We can also make them suitable for year-round use by adding full insulation and electrics if required. If you would like to see more of our garden sheds, you can take a look at our garden shed collection. It includes simple yet high quality Classic Sheds and traditionally styled National Trust Sheds, as well as our Superior Sheds. You can also view all of our shed designs by visiting one of our UK show centres as each one has a wide variety of models on display. If you would like to discuss your shed requirements with us, please do get in touch with us either via email at sales@cranegardenbuildings.co.uk or by calling Crane HQ on 01760 444229.