Whether you require a shed for storage purposes, just like this customer, or you’re after a shed to turn into a workshop or potting shed, we are able to tailor-make the size of our Superior Sheds depending on your needs. To fit in with our customer’s size requirements, we were able to design them a shed measuring 1.3 x 5.4m. Our customer opted for an apex roof design that features a single door, with a double window set on both sides of it, in the side of the building.
To further tailor the building to meet their personal style and tastes, our customer has chosen to have the roof covered in Canadian Blue Label Cedar Shingles, designed to naturally weather to a lovely silver/grey colour over time, and the windows to be Georgian in style.
Mr G - West Sussex - July 2020
As with all the buildings in our vast range, this Superior Shed has been made using FSC® certified timber, machined from Scandinavian Redwood that is grown close to the Arctic Circle. This Superior Shed has been clad using shiplap style cladding that is designed to give the outside of the building a smooth finish. Our customer has opted to have the exterior timber coated in our exterior paint system. They have chosen two colours from this high-quality, weather-resistant paint range: Ivory on the door and windows, and Lizard everywhere else.
If one of our robust Superior Sheds sounds like the ideal shed for you, please do get in touch for more information. You can give us a call on 01760 444229 to speak to one of our friendly advisors today.