This tailor-made Superior shed has cedar shingle tiles on the apex roof, and the external cladding is made of roughly cut weatherboarding.
Both the shingles and the weatherboard offer a rustic, country finish to the shed that is made very attractive with Georgian windows, and the shed has been finished in our Valtti Paint System, in the colour Sage. In fact, the customer has decided to opt for two windows - one situated on the door, making for a very quaint, charming exterior.
Mr G - West Sussex - July 2020
There are a wide range of sizes, design styles and extra features to choose from with our Superior Sheds, so whether you want a small, attractive shed like this, or a large workshop, we can help. Just tell us what you would like and our experienced, professional team of carpenters and installers will deliver the perfect garden build for you.
To learn more about our Garden Sheds, please contact us online, call us on